Prosper Wealth or Prosper Descendants

Here is another article that I write for the Sun Daily.

The ideal house is one that prosper wealth and prosper descendants and that is supported by the ideal land form of mountain at the sitting and water at the facing side.

There are however those that prosper one or the other but not both. They are “Prosper Wealth but not Prosper Descendants” and “Prosper Descendants but not Prosper Wealth”.

Period 8 house that face S2, S3, W2, W3, N1 & E1 are classified as “Prosper Wealth but not Descendants”. Such houses influence positively the wealth (include career) luck of the occupants but not descendant (meaning relationship and health) luck.

Land form or man-made structures again play an important part to enhance or degrade the quality of the house. Such “Prosper Wealth” houses should have water – real or otherwise – at the facing side. If it faces a mountain located nearby at sitting side, then the wealth quality of the house is degrade.

Ancient text do say that if there is a mountain at the facing side but located much further away then the descendant luck is improved.

Period 8 house that face N2, N3, E2, E3, S1 & W1 are classified as “Prosper Descendants but not Wealth”. Such houses influence positively the descendant (meaning relationship and health) luck of the occupants but not their wealth luck.

Land form or man-made structures again play an important part to enhance or degrade the quality of the house. Such “Prosper Descendants” houses should have mountain – real or otherwise – at the sitting side. If there is a large pool of water located nearby at sitting side, then the descendant quality of the house is degraded.

From my study, most houses other than the ones classified as “Up Mountain Down Water”, would benefit from have mountain at the sitting side and water at the facing side.


Therefore the ancient saying, “Mountain at the back, facing water” still holds – at least for most house facings.

I mentioned early in the previous article that the quality of a house can change over time. For example a SW1 facing house completed and first occupied period 7 is a “Prosper Wealth but not Prosper Descendant” house. This is true during period 7 between 1984 and 2004.

However the same house in the current period from 2004 to 2024 no longer retain this quality. Instead the occupants may not face career or wealth problem or fall victims to theft or robbery.

The good news is that if you carry out a major renovation to the same SW1 facing house and change the period of the house to the current period, it becomes a “Prosper Wealth Prospers Descendant” house. Better still if there is water at the facing and mountain at the sitting side.

I know this is a lot of take in. Therefore I urge you to consult a practitioner before you carry out a major renovation to your current house.

Next time around, I will talk about the “Death and Emptiness Lines“. Till then.

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2 thoughts on “Prosper Wealth or Prosper Descendants

  1. Ty Bui

    I’ve just moved in the House with door and house facing NE2 in 2017” Up moutain and down river” that is very bad in fengshui. How can we cure it? And i just met a local fengshui consultant he recommented me put the pond in the back where us SW located to activate the number 8 facing and put a rock in the front house to pretend the mountain. Would you please recommend me any solution to make better fengshui fir my house.
    Thank you!

    1. Henry Post author

      Hi, if yout house faces a hill or higher land and the sitting is lower than the house then it is acceptable. If not then please follow your consultant’s recommendation.


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