Feng Shui 2014

“Where are the auspicious and inauspicious sectors in 2014?”

The Chinese have two calendars – the Lunar and the Solar calendar. Together they are often called the Lunisolar or Yin Yang Calendar.

The first day of the Chinese Lunar or Yin Calendar falls on the 31st Jan 2014. This is the day the Chinese people around the world celebrate the start of a new year.

Most Feng Shui systems however uses the Chinese Solar calendar, the first day of which falls on the 4th Feb 2014. This is often called Li Chun.

The Stem and Branch of the year is Jia Wu. Jia is of the element Wood while Wu is associated with the Horse. This is the reason why the year is also known as the year of the Wood Horse.

Tai Sui (or Grand Duke)

The new year signifies a change in the position of the annual energies of the nine stars. Tai Sui moves from the South South East to South while Three Killings affect the North Sector.

Tai Sui affect south (more specifically S2) facing houses. Owners of S2 facing houses should ideally postpone renovation works to another year. Major renovations works such as digging, knocking down walls, breaking tiles etc can violate Tai Sui, resulting usually in people related problems such as disputes, litigation, back-stabbing and other annoying problems.

Even if you live in a house that is not directly facing south 2, you should avoid carrying out any major renovations in the S2 sector of the house. Also avoid renovating the N2 sector which is the Year Breaker for the year.

This no-renovation rules apply to currently tenanted house. If the house is vacant, you are free to renovate as you please.


San Sha or Three Killings

The Three Killings combo of Robbery Sha, Disaster Sha and Year Sha affects a span of 75 degrees in the north sector this year.

You identify the sectors by taking a compass reading at the center of the property. The compass shows you where north is and you can figure out the rest of the sectors accordingly.

You are quite safe if you do not carry out any major renovations in this area. However violating the Three Killings can result in robbery or theft, disasters, accidents, injuries, illness and so on.

Five Yellow

The most malevolent of the nine stars is Five Yellow. This year it affects the north west sector. Some practitioners believe that if the house sits at Five Yellow meaning that the house faces South East, your should also postpone major renovations to another year.

In any case you should avoid any major construction or renovation works in the north west sector of the house. If you must and the scope of works extends over several sectors, it is permissible to start work in an unaffected sector, gradually moving into the affected sector and finishing in an unaffected sector.

The penalties for violating Five Yellow is bodily injuries and financial losses. Five Yellow is earth energy and can be remedied by having metal. North west is already a metal sector but it is probably safer to place some more metal items such as a wind chime in that area. Of course it is better not to violate the sector at all.


Other Stars

Other than the Five Yellow, the other stars that you should be vary of is the 2 star or the illness Star which influence the east sector. This is an inauspicious energy and brings illness, disease and mental stress to the occupants of this sector. Those with weak health, recovering from an ailment or who are pregnant should not sleep in this sector. You should place a metal vase or Wu Luo to manage the energy here.

Take note also of the inauspicious star 7 that is associated with great losses, serious accidents, robbery and violence. It influence the north east sector. Store away any sharp or dangerous objects and exercise caution especially when going out to lonely places. Pregnant women should also avoid this sector. You can place a jar of still water to diminish the negative effect.

Your should also be vary of the 3 star that is associated with disputes, misunderstanding, quarrels and litigation. This year it influences the south east sector. If you spend a lot of time in this sector, you should make a conscious effort to control your temperament and think carefully before you speak. You can place some fire or red coloured items e.g. carpet to manage the energy here.

The auspicious 8 star occupy the south sector. This star is associated with wealth and success. Try to spend more time in this sector if you can. You can increase your luck by placing a small water feature in this sector. Just do not renovate this sector (due to Tai Sui).

The auspicious 9 star occupy the north sector. This star is associated with opportunities, hopes and happy events such as a child birth or promotion. It is highly auspicious if you occupy this sector.

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Finally the auspicious 1 star occupies the south west sector. This star is associated with achievement, reputation and recognition. Spend time in this sector if you can, to absorb the highly auspicious energy.

That is it for the year. Have a good one ahead.

14 thoughts on “Feng Shui 2014

    1. admin Post author

      Hi Abdul Majid,

      A south facing house (S2 or S3) built after 2004 is good for wealth luck. More so, if the house faces water – real or otherwise. It is also good if the house was built and occupied between 1984 and 2004.


      Henry Fong

  1. Judith B. Eugenio

    Hi Henry,

    Thank you sending me this email.

    I really appreciate your kindness.

    I am renovating my east main door and northwest dining area within the week.

    Thank you so much for being so ever thoughtful of your followers.

    All the Best,

    Judith B. Eugenio

  2. Lily Kueh

    Each year I plan to do some renovation outside especially my garage as the concrete is showing heavier lines of breaking up. When I refer to my Feng Shui it says not advisable to do renovation this new year 2014 is even worst. It says renovation not recommended. My main door has been moved to NW actually the hse is facing N. I’m a single-parent/widowed-pensioner. I do not want to incur heavy losses as I’ve a family to feed and an old mother to pay for nursing care. Financially, it’s heavy for me to handle. My son has just got married and what if my daughter is pregnant next year. There is nothing I can do. Delaying another year means the ground is going to crack wider.Should I choose a date to start the first knocking but my back door is facing S which is Tai Shui. My Birthdate is 29.11.48 (English) Please advise. Thank you.

    1. admin Post author

      Hi Lily,

      If I understand correctly, your house faces north and sits south. I am not sure which sector the garage is but if it is in the north you should not renovate in 2014. The Chinese solar year however starts on the 4th Feb 2014 which means that you are free to renovate between now and the 4th Feb 2014. In 2013, Three Killings is in the east while 5 Yellow is in the center. Tai Sui is from SE3. This means that it is okay to renovate this year.

      Let me know if your garage (which you intend to renovate) is not in the north sector. We can then try to find a solution together.


      Henry Fong

      1. Lily

        Thanks for your reply, Henry. My garage is on the left side and the master room is on the right 1st floor. The renovated main door in the living room is facing the garage. If not advisable then I will
        not take the risk to renovate which may take about 3 weeks to complete.Thanks again for your
        attention. Lily

  3. Azam Ebrahimi

    Dear Henry,

    Thank you very much for all your supports and indeed appreciate the precious knowledge you kindly shared with us all on the subject ” Feng Shui 2014″.

    Taking this opportunity I would like to wish you HAPPY NEW YEAR .

    May Lord bless you with the best of health & wealth in 2014 , and during the very long years to come..

    Thanking you again, I remain
    Kind regards / Azam Ebrahimi

  4. Euphoria Ng

    I had finished my renovation works to my new house in the end of year 2013. With the completion of renovation, I am planning to change my job. Please advise on how can I enhance my present house feng shui to assist me in getting better / change better jobs?

    My house is facing SW1 and the master bedroom in which I am sleeping is located at south direction.

    Hope to listen to your advise.

    Euphoria Ng

    1. admin Post author

      Hi Euphoria,

      There are a number of things that you can do. Start by making sure there you do not renovate the north, north west and south sectors. Sleeping in the south sector will be beneficial. You can also activate the SW sector of your house with a water fountain.

      If you wish, I can give you a very specific suggestion based on your BaZi (date and time of birth). Just email it to me at henry@henryfong.com and I will send you a recommendation.

      Thanks and cheers,

      Henry Fong

  5. Mario

    My house is facing N1 period 7. The combo is #7 #7 and this year 9 is visiting my door. I do undertand that #9 is fire but can add strengs to the bad or good stars. I do have an big aquariun near the door w very solft water moving ,should I remove it to the south? What cure can I add on the front door?
    My office and bedroom falls on the NW afected this year by the yellow 5 ( with a combo #3 #2 ) Should I put a metal vu lou in both areas? I do have two metal figueres on my bedroom on the NW corner of the room
    any help will be appreciated

    1. admin Post author

      Hi Mario,

      #9 is a current auspicious star and its good quality should rub off on the #7 star and influencing it positively. Ancient text says that the young women in the family may become loose. This is because #9 is fire and also means reputation burn #7 which is the star of the young women or girls. However this is more likely when both the #7 and #9 stars are inauspicious e.g. in period 1. The north sector is influenced by three killings. From my experience slow moving water is not likely to activate three killings. However you should refrain from major renovations that include ground breaking, tearing down walls etc as this is likely to activate three killings and the negative consequence of obstacles, robberies and disasters.

      As for your bedroom and office, #5 five yellow with combo #3#2 is something you should take note of. Again no renovations in this sector this year. Placing metal items such as a metal wu lou will help to diminish the negative earth stars of #5 and #2. Ancient text says that persons of ill health, recovering from an illness or pregnancy should avoid sleeping or working in such a sector. Something to think about. All the best. Cheers.

  6. Tom

    Dear Master Fong,

    I’d like to express my deepest gratitude to you for your kind advice. Being a Feng Shui novice, whose family has recently gone through a series of bad luck after several unsuccessful & unprofessional audits, I asked many questions that I’d found no answers through several books or other blogs, and was readily given free, sound advice with no strings attached. Such kindness to strangers is rarely found these days, and I’m grateful to the considerate help and sympathy bestowed upon me by a kind-hearted and compassionate gentleman. Thank you, Master Fong, from the bottom of my heart.




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