Auspicious Day to Start Work 2020

Here are some auspicious dates to start work after the Chinese New Year holidays in 2020.

Tuesday 28 Jan 2020. It’s Day 4 of the New Chinese Lunar Year and the best time is between between 9 am to 11 am. Those born in the year of the Rat should avoid starting on this day as it is a Personal Clash Day for the Rat.

Friday 31 Jan 2020. It’s Day 7 of the New Chinese Lunar Year. The best time is between 7 am to 11 am. It’s a Personal Clash Day for the Rabbit. Rabbits please start work on another day.

Wednesday 5 Feb 2020. It’s Day 12 of the New Chinese Lunar Year. The best time to start work is 11 am to 3 pm. Monkey’s should not use this day to start work.

Some companies may take the whole week off and plan to start work on the following Monday the 3rd Feb. But it is not a good day to start. Solution?

I suggest that you do a symbolic start on Sunday 2 Feb 2020. It’s Day 9 of the New Chinese Lunar Year. Come to the office between 11 am to 1 pm. Order in. Have lunch in the office. May some phone calls, send some email, some messages, prepare some invoices to simulate starting work. You are deemed to have started work. Then continue working on Monday. Those born on the Year of the Snake however should use another day.

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40 thoughts on “Auspicious Day to Start Work 2020

  1. Robin Chua

    Is it ok to start work on the auspicious day (e.g. 28 Jan 2020) and take annual leave the following day for a week?

    1. Henry Post author

      Hi Robin, absolutely yes! Wishing you North South East West Meet Helpful Persons. Spring Summer Autumn Winter Have Good Luck!

      1. Benedict

        Good day sifu, my mum’s zodiac is pig (1947). She runs a hair salon. What day to resume business is best so she may be healthy and joyful always?

        1. Henry Post author

          Hi Benedict, we choose a good day to start work with the hope that the year will be smooth and successful. Any of the days that I have recommended that does not clash with the Pig will work. Cheers.

        2. Larry

          Good day Sifu, I’m born in the year 1974 (Tiger) . Running a medium scale company for project management for interior built and design. Which day is the best day to start work for a prosperous year 2020 not forgetting good health and luck.
          Thank you sifu in advance

    1. Henry Post author

      Rat offends Tai Sui. Be wary of problem with people matter meaning relationship and health. Suggest you speak less or at least think before you speak. For health, eat well and sleep early!

  2. Eva

    Hi Sir, I will be away during CNY. What are the options to start work auspiciously? Can do so remotely, e.g. send out some work emails on good day? Is Sat 8 Feb a good day to start? if so any clash for zodiac signs? Thank you.

  3. Simon

    Hello Henry,
    I’m born in the year of the Rabbit. According to your written article above, I should avoid starting work on Day 7 of the New Chinese Lunar Year.
    Is it OK to start on an earlier day (eg. Day 6) and continue to work on Day 7 as well?
    Or should I totally avoid working and take leave on Day 7?

    Thank you.

    1. Henry Post author

      Snakes, male or female can start work on the 28 or 31 Jan or 5 Feb 2020. Rabbits, male or female can start work on 28 Jan, 2 or 5 Feb 2020.

  4. Mei

    Those zodiacs that you mentioned not to start work on certain date, you are referring to the year (born) or it also apply to hour,day and month? Thank you in advance for your kind reply.

    1. Henry Post author

      The 29th Jan is a Month Breaker day. Also a Break day in the 12 Day Officer method. It is not an auspicious day for anyone to start work.

  5. Jennifer

    Im born in the year of Rat. Could i start work on 25 Jan instead. Cant start work on 28 & 29. 30 Jan is way too long to be away from the office.

  6. Nic

    i was born in year of boar, can start work on
    28/1/2020(tuesday ) instead of going to office, i work from home coz i have a doctor appointment on the same day.

  7. Ferdinand magallanes

    My wife was born in the year of the rat. What is the best day this february or march to have a grand opening day of a hair salon and spa this 2020…
    Thank you and God Bless 🙂


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