Here are some auspicious dates to start work after the Chinese New Year holidays in 2020.
Tuesday 28 Jan 2020. It’s Day 4 of the New Chinese Lunar Year and the best time is between between 9 am to 11 am. Those born in the year of the Rat should avoid starting on this day as it is a Personal Clash Day for the Rat.
Friday 31 Jan 2020. It’s Day 7 of the New Chinese Lunar Year. The best time is between 7 am to 11 am. It’s a Personal Clash Day for the Rabbit. Rabbits please start work on another day.
Wednesday 5 Feb 2020. It’s Day 12 of the New Chinese Lunar Year. The best time to start work is 11 am to 3 pm. Monkey’s should not use this day to start work.
Some companies may take the whole week off and plan to start work on the following Monday the 3rd Feb. But it is not a good day to start. Solution?
I suggest that you do a symbolic start on Sunday 2 Feb 2020. It’s Day 9 of the New Chinese Lunar Year. Come to the office between 11 am to 1 pm. Order in. Have lunch in the office. May some phone calls, send some email, some messages, prepare some invoices to simulate starting work. You are deemed to have started work. Then continue working on Monday. Those born on the Year of the Snake however should use another day.