
Hi there,

Chinese metaphysics tools such as Feng Shui and Chinese Astrology and powerful tools that can help to improve one’s potential and luck. They should be easy to understand and to apply. But in practice this is not always the case. This is my primary inspiration for this site, Feng Shui Unzip.

Here at Feng Shui Unzip, I hope to answer to your questions on these subjects.

If you have questions on Feng Shui, Chinese Astrology, Chinese Face Reading or Date Selection, please send to me. I will not answer them directly but instead I will take them and similar ones from other visitors and craft question and answer pairs that I hope will answer your questions.

I am only mortal and do not know everything. I will let you know if I am not able to answer any of your questions. For those that I can, I will answer them to the best of my ability.

Who am I? I am a practicing Feng Shui Consultant based in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. I have practiced professionally for over 10 years. You can learn more about me at http://www.henryfong.com

Talk to you soon.

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Henry Fong

8 thoughts on “Welcome

  1. Badar Leghari

    As i know the best place of living the owner of house is South and Southwest, whats your opinion regarding this ?

    1. admin Post author

      Hi Badar,

      There are many schools of thought. So it is not for me to say who is right or wrong.

      For me, based on my practice amd observation, a person’s good house facing direction depends very much on his or her Ba Zi (date and time of birth).

      I hope this helps.


      Henry Fong

  2. kou

    I have my sliding door bigger than my front door and I did not have the blind to block the door yet. Is that the reason why I keep losing moneys?

    1. admin Post author

      Hi Kou,

      I would not say that it is the reason. There are a lot of other factors to consider.

      I would suggest that you get a blind and also to lock and not to use the sliding door for a few months. If money luck gets better, then perhaps it is the sliding door.

      However, deep inside, I think it is probably something else. I would start with an analysis or your decade and annual luck. Then take it from there.


      Henry Fong

  3. Janet Lee

    Hi Mr Henry

    I am currently renovating a house and would like to ask a question on how to place the gas stove. I read some feng shui articles that gas stove should not be built beside a bedroom (same wall which is sharing between kicthen and bedroom). This will cause the person who stay in the bedroom has a bad temper. But somebody said it is fine as there is a wall between the gas stove and bedroom. And, underneath of the gas stove, there should not be any water or sewerage piping. Otherwise, it will cause health problem.

    My kitchen is very small and not much space to adjust to place for the gas stove. Hence, I would like to consult your expertise opinion on the placement of gas stove. Thanks a lot for your help.


    1. admin Post author

      Hi Janet,

      As a best practice, the stove should not share a wall with a bed on the other side. The heat from the stove can get across and cause the person to become temperamental. If you do not have a choice, then I suggest a bed with a strong (solid and thick) wooden bed head board. This will help to absorb or shield the heat.

      You are right. It is also a best practice not to have Water or sewerage piping under the stove (water fire clash). It is likely to result in health problems. Please note that it may not affect every family member as there are other considerations. However in my practice, I try to avoid this as much as possible.

      Thanks and cheers,

      Henry Fong

  4. Dorothy

    Hello Master Fong,
    I recently viewed your video on Death and Emptiness Lines. It was very informative and interesting. Our home does face what I have been taught to call an offset facing direction 216 degrees. The home has presented many problems. Every time we take a compass reading it is always different. We get a range from 180, 210, 215, 220, and that changes daily. We finally have decided to work with the natal chart of a 216 degree facing which we seem to get the majority of the time. I don’t quite understand what is happening with the compass direction not being consistent as we have a new and good accurate compass that has never acted up before. I have noticed that as you explained chi is confused in the home and we feel it. When a home as a facing on these lines would that also change from the normal natal chart that you would use? Thank you. Best wishes.

    1. admin Post author

      Hi Dorothy,

      There could be a number of reasons why the reading is not consistent. You can try to improve the reading by measuring at a spot that is parallel to the facing of the house, yet far away from any metallic objects. For a typical home this “object” include columns and beams (the metal bars within), car, metal gate etc. Some schools suggest a alternative chart when the facing falls on or is very close to the lines. However I do not subscribe to this practice. In my practice, I suggest changing the facing of the house or failing which, the facing of the door. Changing the door is of course a practical course of action. I hope this helps. Cheers.

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